Do you wish your WordPress site to be friendly to the search engines? What steps have you taken to assure the same? If you do not have a relevant answer to this question, it is high time that you should consider taking a step back and reassessing the situation. You can always look forward to making some improvements with respect to the WordPress site by making use of the best SEO plugins for enhanced performance. While most of the aspects of the WordPress site is vital for your site performance, you cannot overlook the importance of SEO for your site.
WordPress is a website platform that is famous for being SEO friendly and boosting overall website performance. With the presence of thousands of high-end WordPress plugins to choose from, you should look out for choosing the best WordPress plugins for your site.
Importance of WordPress Plugins
Plugins for the WordPress sites are mini codes or programs that you can install on your WordPress site. Once you would install the WordPress plugin, it helps in boosting the overall performance of your site. Most of the plugins are available for free that come with the option of being upgraded to the premium version for improved functionality.
As we know it all, the internet is known to operate by languages referred to as codes. To increase the functionality of your site, you can consider either writing the code by yourself or getting it done by some professional. The plugins are known to fill the gap of writing codes by oneself or getting it done professionally. Being available as short programs or codes on their own, they help in increasing the site’s performance effortlessly.
Top WordPress Plugins for Your Site
With the search engines being the primary source of traffic for most of the sites out there, you should look out for effective plugins that help in boosting the SEO for your site. Here are some of the top WordPress plugins that can help you out:
- WordPress SEO by Yoast: Yoast SEO for WordPress sites is the most common and highly downloaded plugins out there. The WordPress SEO by Yoast tends to offer a comprehensive solution to all the respective on-site SEO needs. With the help of the Yoast WordPress SEO plugin, you can add meta keywords, meta description, and SEO title to each page as well as a post on your site. With the help of the same, you are also allowed to design custom titles as well as descriptions for the main site, categories, archives, and tag pages. It also helps in adding Twitter Cards, Open Graph metadata, ping search engines, Sitemaps whenever you wish to update the existing site.
- SEMrush: SEMrush is an effective WordPress tool that most of the professionals make use of for gathering meaningful insights and analytics from the relevant competitors. It helps the business owners in improving the overall SEO effectively. With the help of this WordPress plugin, the users can learn about the organic keywords that they could rank for in the search engines. Additionally, the plugin also helps the business owners in coming across the sites from they can get backlinks and get relevant insights into the advertising strategies of the competitors, and so more. SEMrush comes with a paid subscription and is utilized by various professionals all across the globe for enhancing the website performance.
- Google Keyword Planner: Every business owner out there wishes to get insights into what the end users are searching on the search engine giant Google. While you might not be aware of the fact that you can get relevant keyword ideas from Google itself, you can consider making use of the innovative Google Keyword Planner tool. This is a free tool that is provided to the advertisers of Google and any user can make use of the same. The main purpose of the tool is to reveal the keywords to the advertisers such that they can bid for the same for respective advertising campaigns. It can also help the advertisers in choosing the right keywords by revealing them an approximate of the overall search volume, difficulty levels, and the number of results.
- i: Keyword Tool is regarded as one of the best free version of the keyword research tools available out there. The tool allows the users to generate interactive keyword ideas by simply typing in the given keyword. The respective keyword suggestions can help the users to gain an insight into the advertising strategy. The auto-complete feature of Google suggests the given keywords on the basis of how often the keyword should be used for the given search. This implies that the topmost results tend to be most frequently used or search terms on Google for the specific keyword.
- Open Site Explorer: This tool or plugin for WordPress sites is developed by Moz and is available for free. The given free version of the plugin enables the users to check any data for the respective domain name. By using this tool, the users are able to see who is linking to the given domain along with the respective anchor texts being used. In addition to this, the Open Site Explorer tool is also known to provide a wide range of information including linking domains, top pages, the pages that are linked to the site, and so more. When you wish to unlock the full-end power and features of the tool, you can get the Moz Pro Subscription of the same to get access to the additional tools as well.
- OutReachPlus: It is regarded as the best email outreach tool that is used for achieving the respective marketing goals. The tool is loaded with powerful features including automated responses, personalized features, email insights including replied, open, clicked links, and so more. The plugin for WordPress sites is quite simple to use and comes with a built-in email client that aims at ensuring that your email does not go into the spam folder.
Whilst plugins are good and will help you rank, you also want to make sure you are taking advantage of all the SEO tools out there too. ClickSlice have written really informative guide on the top 5 onpage SEO tools and how to use them.
If you decide to stick to just the plugins then make the most out of them, as when done correctly they are incredibly effective.
Author Profile
- As a passionate blogger, I write about SEO, Digital Marketing, WordPress, Web Hosting, and Business-related topics. I share my experiences and insights in different niches through my blogs, helping others navigate and succeed in the digital world.
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