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    WordPress Websites Are Hacked – Vulnerability Issues

    Most of the websites prefer HTML and WordPress websites most of the time. It seems to be simple, yet gives a neat and professional look...

    What are the 3 best alternatives for Gmail?

    Gmail has 1.4 billion active users as of April 2018 reports from Google, which is quite an amazing number across the globe. It was started...

    Microsoft Launches Office 2019 With AI

    Now, every tech giants are into artificial intelligence and machine learning, where Microsoft is no different from it. On September 24th 2018, they have...

    Twitter Bug: DM Sent to Wrong Account Affected Developers

    Recently, a bug raised in the micro blogging platform twitter, which had been there since May 2017. There happens 3 million users DM sent to outsiders...

    Best Of Apple Watch Hermès Series 4

    In all the chaos happening around Apple iPhone XS, XS Max, and XR, there is a silent peak started at the latest Apple Watch Hermès Series 4....

    Instagram Testing – Use Hashtag Yet Hide in Post Description

    Instagram is testing with every possibility for improvement by introducing new features, filters and solving bugs in each update. Now, they are testing a...

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