There are many stores where you can sell your second hand laptop, indeed. However, the process may take a long time starting from going to the store, bargain the price, and then get the money. Sure, when the price offered is not like what you want, you should look for the other stores to meet your expectations.
Nowadays, there is a simpler way of selling a laptop. It is by joining an online platform for laptop selling. It is Macback. In this platform, it is easier for you to sell any of your laptops in any condition mainly those series of Macbook. To start it all, you can just sell here. Then, here are some steps to follow.
Get a Quote
After entering the official site of Macback, you can get a quote of price by filling in and submitting the automatic quote system. Sure, for the validation, you need to fill in your personal data. Then, it is continued by filling in the data regarding the laptop to sell. Make sure to fill them in honestly since it determines the estimation of the price of the item.
How is if there are things regarding the laptop data that you don’t know? Well, you should tell them honestly also. Share all things you have known about the laptop to ease the quotation process. There are some options for laptop sending whether you want to send it by yourself or ask the courier to come. For the second option, you are also able to determine where and when you can meet the courier. Interestingly, the shipping cost is free.
Meet the Courier
Let’s say you choose to use the service from couriers, it means you need to wait for him coming. There is the custom packing case you have chosen before brought by him. Sure, there are some options of the packing case as well. Choose one that is really necessary with your laptop item particularly in term of the size. Meanwhile, since you can custom it, utilize this feature as well as possible.
Although the courier is required to be on time, there are sometimes problems on the way that you should understand. You should not worry since the lateness will be informed first so that you will not waste your time by waiting for him.
Wait for the Item to be checked
The courier then brings the package of the laptop to the main office of Macback. In the office, the laptop conditions are checked whether it is still perfectly good or not. Besides, the team also knows whether the spare parts have been changed or not. Of course, the better and the more original it is, the price offered is higher. This is also a reminder for all of you to use your laptop properly and safely to make it valuable until the last.
After the laptop is checked, there is a notification for you regarding the results and price. Sure, the price can be more or less than what has been informed before in the beginning. For the exception, if the condition is exactly the same as what you have been submitted before, you can be paid for the same price.
Wait for the Money to Transfer
Just after the notification is sent to you, you only need to wait for the money to transfer to your account. Since the beginning, you have asked to submit the data regarding the bank account including the name and account number. Despite the local bank account, it is possible for you to do the transaction using some international accounts like Faster Payments and PayPal.
The process only takes around 48 hours or less. After the money is successfully transferred, another notification is also given. Now, you can use your money as you want. You should not worry about using the services from Macback. There are many customers who use the service and they feel satisfied for both the price and services.
Meanwhile, if there are still data remained in the laptop, they are guaranteed to be secured and not published. It is because Macback works under the Data Protection Act and Government Guidelines.
Selling your laptop online is a good choice to let this device be sold out faster. It can be done via Macback through some easy steps.
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- As a passionate blogger, I write about SEO, Digital Marketing, WordPress, Web Hosting, and Business-related topics. I share my experiences and insights in different niches through my blogs, helping others navigate and succeed in the digital world.
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