Are you hosting a live concert in the near future? Do you represent a musical group and is it your responsibility to attract attendees to the venue? If so, you will likely use the sheer breadth of the Internet to attract as large of an audience as possible. However, efficient sales involve much more than digital exposure alone. Adopting the incorrect practices can quickly result in a campaign that falls upon deaf ears. If you hope to avoid such an embarrassing situation, there are a few considerations which should be analysed before the actual process begins. How can you combine the appeal of an upcoming event with the power of the Internet? If you want to learn the answers to this question, read on.
Multi-Channel Marketing and Other “Blanket” Strategies
Word of mouth is critical when promoting a concert. So, it should already be apparent that a static website alone will hardly provide the necessary exposure. Using the influence of multi-channel marketing provides clear advantages. You will be able to gain a much wider following with little additional effort. Customer reviews play an additionally important role. It has been shown that 71 per cent of users who have had a positive previous experience will recommend your services to others (1). This is essentially the core principle behind any viral marketing campaign.
While establishing your presence across social media platforms and similar portals will help you quickly sell concert tickets, there are other strategies to consider. For instance, providing a live contact widget can address any questions during the point-of-sale process. Clear refund policies and secure transactions are other factors which will all have a massive impact upon ticket sales. These two concepts lead directly into the other main takeaway point to highlight.
Tailored Solutions to Address the Needs of the Buyer
Selling tickets should never represent hard work. It instead needs to embrace a synergy of user-friendly systems and clear checkout processes. As opposed to working with an outdated or otherwise inefficient platform, why not choose to utilize the authoritative edge provided by Shopify? Some of the primary touch points which can be immediately accessed include such powerful tools as:
- A streamlined shopping cart system.
- The ability to track and handle multiple ticket orders.
- Bespoke client management software.
- The option to design your own branded concert tickets.
- Support that is offered 24 hours a day and seven days a week.
Another challenging point associated with any concert is that it is a one-off event as opposed to a recurring campaign. So, an evergreen approach might not be the most applicable. By creating content that instils a sense of urgency (such as early-bird discounts and similar promotions), you are likely to entice further purchases.
We can now appreciate that “leg work” enough might not be alone to secure robust ticket sales. By using efficient e-commerce platforms and through an understanding of some basic marketing concepts, it will be much easier to create a sell-out event.
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The CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and
SeekaHost Ltd. helping businesses grow online with latest digital marketing techniques.
With #1 ranking for "SEO Consultant" In London, UK I lead by example.
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