
    Why You Need to Add App Marketing to Your Mobile Content Strategy?

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    You Need to Add App Marketing to Your Mobile Content Strategy – Here’s How

    There are more than 2 million Apple Store apps and about 3 million in the Google Play Store. If you have developed an app or two, you are entering an ocean of them, many of which will be in competition with you.

    So, how do potential users find you? They won’t unless you take the initiative to reach out to them through app marketing.

    What is the point of app marketing? To acquire new users, to increase installs, and to keep the users you currently have. And if you develop the right campaign, you will build your audience and retain active users.

    What a Solid App Marketing Campaign Looks Like

    Most app marketing campaigns are digital, of course. It should be noted, though, that some apps are being promoted in more physical places – subways, billboards, etc. But for purposes of this article, we are sticking to digital marketing strategies.

    1. Optimization

    This is a strategy for Apple’s App Store. And it works much like search engine optimization. The title and keywords will be used to help potential users find you.

    The other key component of optimization is choosing your category with great care so that the right users can find you.

    1. Social Media Ads

    This is by far the biggest “bang for our buck” in advertising. First, you can advertise for free through your own account. You can also send highly targeted ads to specific groups based upon the user persona you have developed – a great strategy for low budgets. Creating an ad that blends in naturally with feeds is important.

    1. Push Notifications to Current Users

    One of the frustrations of app owners is that they get a fair number of installs, but then those users “forget” about the app and rarely access it. And there is always the danger they will uninstall it. By using push notifications that will appear on their device screens, you can give alerts, special offers, updates, etc. And those notifications can even include short videos or images – these engage users even more.  Further, they can easily be personalized by user name. If you are concerned about your skill level in doing this, contract this activity out to a professional service, and get the quality you need. Hot Essay Service, Fiverr, or any number of other copywriting services may be good places to start.

    The point is this: You want to keep your app in the minds of current users so that they access and use it.

    app marketing

    1. Messaging In-App

    When your users are currently in your mobile app, you can also send messages. These messages can do everything from verifying a purchase, to provide updates, to request a review, or to give personalized suggestions. This shows users that you are connected to them and that you value their use of your app. You want to catch them while they are actively using your app and motivate them to do more.

    If you are unsure about how to do this, you can certainly make use of copywriting services, such as Supreme Dissertations – services that have professionals to craft compelling messages for you.

    1. Translation/Localization

    If your app has an international presence, you will want to be certain that it is properly localized for your foreign audiences.  And your app marketing for those audiences will be somewhat different. Your best bet will be to find a translation service that can put all of this in place for you, rather than attempt to do it yourself.

    1. Measuring the Results

    Just as with any marketing campaign, you need to know if your app marketing strategies are working. There are a number of factors that you will want to track:

    • What is your retention rate? In other words, how many users who install your app actually return to it and use it?
    • How many installers are actually using your app on a weekly or monthly basis?
    • When users do access your app, how long are they staying and what are they doing while on it?
    • How many users have downloaded your app from specific marketing sources (e.g., Facebook ads)
    • If you are looking for conversions (purchases), what percent of users are actually converting?

    Fortunately, technology has made all of this easier for you. There are a number of analytics tools you can use to measure your app’s performance and then adjust your marketing strategies accordingly.

    social media app marketing

    Final Note

    Marketing an app is no different from marketing any product or service. You have to let people know you are there; you have to drive people to your app through a variety of measures, and you have to keep current users engaged and using that app regularly. Your goals should include establishing personal relationships with your users and continually providing them with specials, opportunities, and updates, to keep them coming back for more.

    This is a tall order indeed. And if you are a busy entrepreneur, you may need some outside assistance. Fortunately, there are a number of freelancers and writing services that have copywriting experts who can boost your app’s visibility through marketing strategies. Consider such services as Upwork, Freelancer, or, GrabMyEssay copywriting pros. Provide the details of what you want and let them get to work for you.

    Author Profile

    Bridgette Hernandez
    Bridgette Hernandez is a Master in Anthropology who is interested in writing and planning to publish her own book in the nearest future. She finished her study last year but is already a true expert when it comes to presenting a text in a creative and understandable manner.

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