
    The 10 Fittest Tech Entrepreneurs & Their Lifestyle

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    Working in tech means sitting or standing in front of a digital device most of the time. Here we give you the top 10 fittest entrepreneurs in tech and their routines.

    Humans are not built to be stagnant, but to be mobile and active. But how to incorporate mobility, fitness, and physical activity in a workday filled with technical demands? And how to keep a healthy mind and body while working long hours?

    Discover how some of the top tech entrepreneurs in the world start and end their day at the office, including what they eat, how they exercise, and keep fit.

    1. Jack Dorsey – Tweets like an Early Bird

    As the founder of one of the biggest social networking sites, Twitter, Jack is an early bird. His day starts at 6:15 am. Jack Dorsey enjoys a hybrid model of working – he works from home and from the office.

    If it’s a “work from office” day, he walks almost five miles to work, which provides him with 1hr and 15 minutes of exercise per day, and if it’s work from home day, he will replace the morning walk with high-intensity interval training, which keeps this 44-year-old fit and healthy.

    He is also known for what he eats. Jack Dorsey has been following the One Meal a Day (OMAD) diet for almost 2 years, under which he only eats one meal in the entire day, which is his dinner. He claims that this is enough for his body, mind, and soul. At dinner, he consumes the needed greens, proteins, and fruits.

    2. Satya Nadella – Grateful at a Micro Level

    Satya Narayana Nadella is an Indian-origin American business executive and currently serves as the CEO and executive chairman of Microsoft.

    Satya Nadella wakes up at 7 am and asks himself the most important question of life, which is, “what am I most thankful for?” He learned this from Dr. Michael Gervais, a high-performance psychologist who has coached Microsoft employees and the Seattle Seahawks.

    He normally begins his day by going to a gym for 30 minutes and then does 30 minutes of running. Even though it’s a relatively short exercise routine, it has proven to be beneficial for him and his daily performance.

    3.  Jeff Bezos – a true Heavyweight

    He is another early bird and makes sure that he gets his 8 hours of sleep, spends quality time with his kids, and enjoys a healthy big breakfast with protein foods like eggs and yogurt. His buff arms showing indicate that Bezos may follow a routine of heavyweights workouts on a regular basis.

    The 56-year-old ensures that all the important stuff is done within the time interval of 10 am – 5 pm. He does not like to attend any meetings before 10 am or make any major decisions after 5 pm. He follows the rule of Warren Buffet, which is to make 3 good decisions per day, nothing more and nothing less.

    4. Daniel EK – a Music & Football Fan

    Daniel EK is the Swedish co-founder and CEO of Spotify and is known for his efficiency. Being an individual who built his company in the field of music, it is necessary for him to keep track of all the music production companies.

    He focuses on working with efficiency, speed, and constant innovation, and brainstorming with his team to get the most suitable and profitable solutions for all the problems.

    The 38-year-old wakes up around 6:30 am and makes sure he spends quality time with his family. After 7:30 am, he works out and then goes for a walk, even in the winter.

    Reading is an essential part of his life, and he does it for 30 minutes daily, be it news, history, leadership-related books, or biographies. He begins his work around 10:30 am. He reaches home around 9-10 pm, takes a break, and then works until 2 am.

    5. Richard Branson – an Outdoor Fitness Lover & Islander

    Richard Branson is a man who believes in being active and always staying active. This English business magnate, author, and investor is the founder of Virgin Group, a group that wields a strong influence in many industries. He achieved his dream of being an entrepreneur at the age of 16.

    For him, exercise is something that he would never compromise. The 71-year-old wakes up around 5 am, goes for a stroll or jog, does some biking, plays a game of tennis, or indulges in kitesurfing.

    Richard Branson always wishes to maintain the fine line between health and work. He allocates time for his family in the morning and then heads off to work. He comes home around 9-10 pm and then sleeps around 11, thus getting 6 hours of sleep.

    6. Sara Blakely – the Yoga & Starbucks Fanatic


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    This self-made billionaire businesswoman and Founder of Spanx has a very different method of thinking: from her car. The idea for her company itself was thought of in her car. Therefore, to get more special ideas, she makes sure to travel for around 1-2 hours in her car even though it is not required for getting to her company!

    The 50-year-old is an early bird who makes sure that she does her yoga exercise or meditation by 6:30 am. Having four kids is hectic, hence, to save her time, she has the same breakfast and the same Starbucks order every day.

    Each day of her week is designated for different kinds of work. For example, Wednesday would be the meeting day while Monday would be the thinking day; Thursday would be the wardrobe day as well as product day, while Tuesday and Friday would be any other required day!

    7. Melanie Perkins – Designs her Physical Schedule

    Being a co-founder and CEO of the design company Canva worth $6 billion is not an easy job. But Melanie makes sure she has a hold of it all!

    Being an ice-skating trainee in her childhood days, she always used to wake up at 4:30 am. Even though she doesn’t do the same these days, she makes sure that she goes on with her work with the same passion, fire, and discipline.

    Melanie keeps a physical calendar for checking her sleep schedule and her lifestyle, to not overwork herself.

    The 34-year-old loves to start the day by writing a Five-Minute Journal. Being an anti-fan of emails, she makes sure she connects with everyone through Slack, Zoom, or talks face-to-face with people from all around the world!

    She starts her work life with a coffee (piccolo with one sugar) and by logging into Canva’s social media channels, as that’s what keeps her moving forward!

    8. Alexa von Tobel – Saves Energy with the Same Routine

    The founder of Learnvest remembers the day she thought to herself that she has got her first major win when her website crashed with a lot of viewers!

    Throughout her 8 years of hard work, she has noticed that no two days were the same for her. She makes sure that she energizes herself with a workout during the early morning hours. She saves her brainpower by having the same breakfast and lunch which would consist of Greek yogurt or greens.

    The 38-year-old never has to spare any extra time for her family, as her house is only a block away from her office. She makes sure that she uses that gap between 6:15 pm – 6:30 pm to put her daughters to sleep.

    9. Fernando Raymond – Disciplined in any Discipline


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    Fernando Raymond is the founder and CEO of the digital marketing agency ClickDo and web hosting company SeekaHost. As a digital entrepreneur in his 30s who loves to do yoga and weightlifting every day, he strongly believes in discipline, which can be seen in the way he balances his work life with his personal life.

    He makes sure to follow a healthy routine rather than overworking himself or by meditating daily and eating fresh fruit and veg in between.

    The author of “The Ultimate Sales Machine” and “Social Media Marketing and SEO Strategy For Hospitality Industry”, is currently focusing on building a revolutionary web hosting control panel, the SeekaPanel, that enables every user to set up a website in under 5 minutes.

    10. Andrew Wilkinson – a Lates & Latte Lover

    Unlike other entrepreneurs, Tiny co-founder Andrew Wilkinson has a different approach to his work life. He doesn’t follow the “wake up at 5 am-meditation-journal-exercise” daily routine. It’s quite the opposite; he makes sure that he gets his 8 hours of sleep and does not work on the weekends!

    He wakes up around noontime and gives his best for around 5-6 hours after that. He considers himself a lazy entrepreneur but the definition of lazy is different for him. He focuses on the quantity and quality of work, rather than the methods of doing the work.

    Andrew tweets that he does work out and enjoys a caffeinated pre-workout drink while treating himself to a protein smoothie after.

    Final Inspiration

    Everyone needs a role model and motivation to keep fit. These super fit Tech Entrepreneurs have built their empires from blood and sweat and hardcore discipline. Many are early risers and try to make the most of their day by scheduling and planning it effectively. They always make time for a workout, even if it’s just a walk or jog, and healthy food. If they can with their super busy diaries, then you surely can do it too for your own benefit.

    Author Profile

    Manuela Willbold
    Manuela WillboldOnline Media & PR Strategist
    Blogger and Educator by Passion | CMO at ClickDo Ltd. | Editor in Chief of various English and German blogs | Summer Course Student at the London School of Journalism.

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