Finding blogs for guest posting is quite easy. As all you have to do is look for blogs for guest posting and pitch them. But have you ever thought How to Find Guest Bloggers to Write Guest Posts on Your Blog?
Well, of course, selling guest posts is a profitable business. Hence there are quite a lot of people who want to sell links from their blog. But how do you find guest bloggers for the job? In case if you have the same question in your head. Then do not worry, I will explain to you all the steps one by one.
So let’s just head into the topic without wasting much of the time:
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Build a community
Nobody wants to do a guest post on a blog which has no follower base. As this won’t help brands to get leads or sales. Hence the first thing that you can do is build a community around your blog. Focus on writing quality content as this will help you to get traffic to your website. And when you start getting the traffic you can start building a community.
Focus on making your readers participate in your contest and other things. To build a community you can create an email list as well as a forum. This way your readers will be able to connect to your blog in a better way.
Let people know that you accept guest post
You also have to let people know that you accept guest post. So how do you do it? Most of the times the author box gets ignored by the readers. As a result, they don’t get to know that you accept guest post. On the other hand, if you add texts like “This is a guest post by (Name) who blogs at (Blog name) at the end of the article.
This will simply allow other people to know that you accept guest posts. As well as do not forget to link to your guest posting guidelines page. This way if any of your readers get interested in your blog. They will simply check out the guidelines and pitch you for a guest post.
Use a Landing Page
You can also use a landing page to let others know that you accept guest post. You can create a landing page and all the required details. As a result, whenever people visit your website, they will get to see the landing page. And if they want to do a guest post on your website. They will simply let you know.
Get Traffic To Your Website
Believe it or not, once your blog starts getting traffic more and more people get interested in your blog for guest posting. And the best part of it is that you do not have to do anything to make that happen. As you increase your traffic, you start ranking for different keywords.
And whenever a competitor searches for those keywords, they get to know about your blog. And this is when they decide to ask you if you are up for a guest post or not. The basic idea over here is to focus on your blog, and you will get lots of guest post requests.
Accept Only Quality Guest Posts
As you start getting popular more and more people will be interested in a guest post. Because the link quality of your blog will matter a lot.
Hence it will attract more people. But the thing is that most of the people will send you crap articles for guest posting. And if you post them, you are simply hurting your blog. Instead, you should focus on accepting only quality guest posts. It will help you to maintain the quality of your blog. There are also plenty of link building services that offer Guest Posting Services [done for you blogger outreach].
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Final Words:
So that was all for your How to Find Guest Bloggers to Write Guest Posts on Your Blog question. Now go ahead and try these tips out and see how they are working for you. Also, for any questions do feel free to comment below and I will surely help you out.
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The CEO of ClickDo Ltd. and
SeekaHost Ltd. helping businesses grow online with latest digital marketing techniques.
With #1 ranking for "SEO Consultant" In London, UK I lead by example.
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