Being able to launch an e-commerce business is only the first step to the smart and hard work you will need to make your dream a success. In a wall street journal article, three out of four venture capital businesses fail. As much as the industry has tried to cover up this fact, it shows that few people know how to grow a business past the startup phase. However, all hope is not lost. With a good plan and execution skill, you can maximize your e-commerce performance. Here are some tips to help you make this possible.
1. Make website navigation easy
Nothing is devastating to a customer than landing on a page to buy an item only to find that they cannot get past the landing page because they cannot see where the next step is. The e-commerce sector is getting close to 54% of revenue from mobile traffic; this is why you need to make sure that the navigation on your site is excellent for mobile, tablets and desktop devices.
2. Build an email list and work on email marketing
A good email list allows you to create a relationship with a potential buyer or revive contact with a previous buyer. Make sure that your emails are catchy, short and straight to the point. They need to serve people who have tight work schedules and convince them to not only go to your website but also buy an item or two.
3. SEO and SEM
When a potential buyer is on the internet, are you able to grab their attention? With proper SEO and SEM tips and keeping yourself on toes with the current SEO trends, you will be able to redirect these potential buyers to your site and increase your sales.
4. Work on improving your conversion rate
With email marketing, SEO and SEM, what makes them worthwhile is the conversion rate they bring. If the conversion rate is not at least 2.35%, then something is not right, and you need to check and test your methods again.
5. Social Media Marketing
The best place to find and interact with potential and regular customers is on social media. You do not need to be on all sites. You only need to find that which works best for you and maximize on it. For example, for a fashion website, the most efficient platforms are Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.
6. Efficient delivery methods
Honoring a customer’s time shows that you value your customers. Deliveries need not only to be fast, but the delivered products need to be in good condition. As a company, you need to research on the best delivery methods to make sure that resources are well utilized.
7. Reputable customer care
According to research done on customer care service effects on businesses, three out of seven potential buyers do not complete their purchases due to poor customer care services. A satisfied customer will praise your business and draw more customers.
Author Profile
- As a passionate blogger, I write about SEO, Digital Marketing, WordPress, Web Hosting, and Business-related topics. I share my experiences and insights in different niches through my blogs, helping others navigate and succeed in the digital world.
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