Ethereum mining is a task which depends upon the processing power, resources, and a lot of time. The miners provide solutions to the complex mathematical problems in exchange for rewards using the blockchain technology. Ethereum is a decentralized network which can be used by anyone without the possibility of fraud or downtime. But have you ever wondered how to mine Ethereum on your personal computer?
Here is a step by step guide that will help you mine Ethereum on your conventional pc-
- Install GETH, sync the blockchain, and create your own address
- The first thing to do is download GETH software on your computer. It is a program which acts as a relay between your pc to communicate with the Ethereum network. If another pc mines a block, then GETH will pick it up and send the information onto your GPU for mining.
- After unzipping the file and moving it to a particular location in your C: drive, run the program. You can do this by running a command prompt, and it usually shows C:\Users\Username>. Logging in with your username cryptocompare a cmd prompt box will open. As you have already installed GETH in the user directory, then type ‘’get account new’’, and press enter.
- When you hit the enter button, you will be asked to enter a password. Since you will not be able to see what you are typing, so do it carefully. This password locks your account and keeps the Private key safe, which is why you should not lose your password as all your ether is attached to the wallet.
- After that, you have to tell your GETH program to start communication with the other Ethereum networks. When pressing enter the screen will begin to download blockchain for Ethereum which means you are communicating with the rest of the network. This may take some time depending upon the current size of the blockchain and your internet speed. You should make sure that after your blockchain is fully synchronized, then start the mining process.
- Install Ethminer and start mining
- To make your GPU run in the hash algorithm, install Ethminer. The hashing algorithm is integral to secure the Ethereum network by proof of work. After installing Ethminer, you have to open another cmd prompt and merely clicking right on your opened cmd prompt in the taskbar, and another click on the cmd prompt in the menu that appears.
- When the new cmd prompt opens, then simply type ‘’cd /’’ and press enter. What you have just done is used the change directory to make the cmd prompt look at the C: drive and not your user file. The next step is to type in the change directory program and press the tab button.
- Now type the ‘’cd app’’, press tab and then enter. After completing this, you will be taken to the Ethereum installed mining folder. Type in Ethminer-G in case of GPU mining and press enter. This will result in the mining with your GPU after building the DAG file.
- If any problem occurs with the program which says insufficient memory in your graphics card to mine, then you can use your CPU rather than the GPU. Just type in Ethminer and enter, it will begin mining with your CPU. You will again have to create a DAG file, and after it is complete, then your GETH program will start to communicate with the Ethminer and start mining.
- Hash power benchmark
- If you want to get an estimate of your hash power, then you can run Ethminer G M, for GPU mining or Ethminer M for the CPU mining.
This guide shows you step by step basics of how to mine Ethereum on your pc. This will give you an idea of how everything is connected.
Author Bio:
Varun Dutta writes crypto articles for entrepreneurs that want to make the most of the crypto world. His articles focus on balancing informative with crypto needs–but never at the expense of providing an entertaining read. His passion for crypto has turned out to be an inspiration for many naive writers who look for unique and simplified solutions to understand crypto at the core.
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