
    How To Secure Data and Avoid Theft?

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    The thing that matters the most in the internet world is data in any format from any different medium. The point we have to make sure is to secure that data in any way. Everyone might have faced the breach of data in accidental or through some intentional practices. To be precise, knowing password of someone and log-in to that medium without their knowledge is the account holder is a breaching the security and can be considered as the lower level of offence. Today’s check on what are the ways we can secure data and avoid theft as well.

    WiFi Protection:

    • WiFi - Secure DataMost of the people are now connected to the internet through WiFi in Home, office or away from the original location. It is good to have a level of data security from WiFi Network, where it is highly recommended to switch off the WiFi when it is not in use. In addition to that, make sure you have a complex password, change it often and don’t share to the unknown person.

    Devices Security:

    • The devices of any size or any kind have to be handled wisely when has any sort of information in it. Stop using Devices - Secure Data and Theftfree software for any utility, be clear before installing any software by knowing its purpose and how long you’re going to utilize. Make sure your devices are protected from virus and threats, by installing complete and paid version of antivirus software. Keep your devices with password security, so it helps you in the worst case scenarios. The software includes mobile application as well, where you have to be conscious on what the permission it asks and what it actually needed to run.

    Money loss to data thieves:

    • Money Loss - Secure and Avoid Data TheftThe most happening way of data theft occurs only because of the user itself. Never share your any personal data with any unauthorized person, social media or through emails. For those data thieves, a small piece of data can act as an essence to cook you completely. Here, one way or the other they may end up with threating or taking take of their own if the information they got gives liberty to dig as deep as possible.

    Cards, Banks And Social Media:

    • Banking Security - How to secure dataThese are the three major factors which may act as a different place
      for varied purpose but incorporates them in one way or the other. Don’t store your card details or bank details online, it can be while login through bank platforms, online purchases or in any online password storage applications.




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    Christy Bella
    Blogger by Passion | Contributor to many Tech Blogs in the United Kingdom | Fascinated to Write Blogs in Business & Startup Niches |

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