
    Alternative Advertising Solutions That Will Enhance Any Campaign

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    As we enter a new decade, traditional forms of advertising are now taking a backseat in favour of modern solutions.

    Major advertising campaigns have still been known to make or break companies. They have also produced iconic slogans and visuals that have become part of everyday life.

    As such, it’s clear that even in the modern marketplace, where consumers are increasingly aware of their power, quality advertising campaigns still have the power to interact and influence customers.

    Everything, from technological advances to advertising trends, is fuelling new methods of driving consumers to purchase products and services. And digital marketing is becoming an increasingly popular tool to reach the right targeted audience as the latest digital marketing ad spend study suggests, highlighting that 65.5% of their surveyed marketing professionals will be spending the majority of their marketing budget over the next two years on Facebook Ads, which remains the leading online marketing platform closely followed by YouTube.


    If you’re interested in improving your returns and increasing brand recognition, then here are some of the latest advertising techniques and solutions that will push your brand into the spotlight.

    Voice Search Advertising

    Alternative Advertising for campaign
    The rise of virtual assistants in the home, such as Google Home, Alexa, the Amazon Echo and more is driving an increase in voice search advertising. You can now create PPC advertising campaigns that are optimized for voice search, meaning that you can reach your target market using this cutting-edge technology. You can ensure that your firm’s content is the first that a searcher hears when they ask a question, or that your product is the suggestion given in response to a query about the best solution in your market. This will significantly boost your brand recognition and establish your firm as a leader in its industry.

    Outdoor Projection

    Alternative Advertising -outdoor projection
    Bold statements are a great tactic for commercial businesses looking to make an impact in a crowded market. Technology providers have created solutions such as the innovative Halo Projector, which will quickly and easily allow you to set up an effective outdoor projection campaign. This solution is the most powerful handheld projector on the market, giving you the chance to project quality, giant scale images onto buildings and structures.

    Virtual Reality Advertising

    Another modern technology trend is for virtual reality headsets. Virtual reality technology is becoming popular across a wide range of markets, particularly gaming, meaning that if you’re in a relevant market you can advertise on a variety of virtual reality games. These advertisements need to be compatible with this revolutionary technology and catch the eye of users if they’re going to be effective.

    Digital Billboards

    Billboards have come a long way from the elevated posters they were original. Today, there are digital billboards that can change to new adverts automatically, or even showcase animated displays that can interact with consumers and the environment around them. This means that you’ve got many opportunities to create a unique and memorable billboard that your consumers will be inspired by.

    Alternative Advertising on social media
    Advertising On New Social Media Sites

    Social media is a fluid market that is constantly evolving, and as such you should explore the advertising options on popular new social media platforms. Sites such as TikTok are rapidly gaining subscribers, so you can advertise on this video-focused platform and others to reach a wide range of consumers.
    Advertising revolves around reaching your target market, which is why today’s solutions have been created to reach consumers in even more situations than ever before. This list should give you some inspiration and help you to use your advertising budget strategically in 2020 and further into the future.

    Author Profile

    Christy Bella
    Blogger by Passion | Contributor to many Tech Blogs in the United Kingdom | Fascinated to Write Blogs in Business & Startup Niches |

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